Sketch Ai Photo Editing Prompt

Sketch Ai Photo Editing Prompt

Ai Prompts

Sketch Ai Photo Editing Prompt – Nowadays you must have seen that this sketch image is getting very famous and what do they do with that photo? They convert it into a sketch and upload it. People line up behind them saying brother prepare my sketch. I will tell you the solution to this problem. Like what happens when a lot of people comment. Even that person is not able to create sketches of so many people. But if you want to create your own sketch by yourself. I will tell you how you can create it. Right now you can create a sketch with your name on it.

   ai photo editing prompt

Sketch Ai Photos

Now whatever sketch image you generate, you can generate such images in it. Like you just need a prompt for it. What they do is they put a face in it. And remove the name. If you want, you can keep the name with it as well, what will happen with this is that they will become more popular. You will also be able to upload videos quickly because normally if you want to prepare such a sketch. It will take a lot of hard work and time. But if you use your intelligence by using this method. Then you can do this thing very easily.

Sketch Ai Photo Editing Prompts

Create A Realistic Picture of 25 years Old Guy realistic drawing, a blank paper is located on the table, the paper is white. On the paper is a picture of Guy wearing a tshirt hoodie, there is the name “Rahul” write on the hoodies. beside the paper there is a hand holding a pencil. ultra realistic picture, very beautiful photo, hyper realistic photo.

Sketch Ai Photo Editing Prompt 2024

Create A Realistic Picture of 25 years Old Girl realistic drawing, a blank paper is located on the table, the paper is white. On the paper is a picture of Girl wearing a tshirt hoodie, there is the name “Anya” write on the hoodies. beside the paper there is a hand holding a pencil. ultra realistic picture, very beautiful photo, hyper realistic photo.

   bing image creator

Use Of Sketch Ai Photo Editing Prompt

I have shared many such prompts with you. With the help of which you can generate different types of images. But this prompt, you will like it a lot. Try using it and see, whatever image you generate using this prompt, it is quite different, like what happens now. If you paste the prompt in it, there is an option to fill in the name. Like if you have any name, you have to put it there. To do this, you have to go to Bing Image Creator, a website. You will have to do it from there, when you click on generate, your image is ready, if there is any problem in your sketch there or you do not like it, you can regenerate it and your work will be done.

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Generate Your Images With ?

You have generated such an image of yours in which your face is not there. Normally there is an image in it. Now how can you generate it for yourself with your name. The name is already added there. How can you do it with your face, for that you can use any one of the face swap websites. By going there you have to upload this image first. In the second you have to upload your image. The face you want to put, after uploading it there you have to click on swap. After that your image will be generated there and will be ready.


Hope you liked this image too because this is such an image that it will never get spoiled, that is, never. Upload it. It will easily go viral but if you understand this thing properly. Then your problem will be solved.

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